Radiographic Study of the Size of the First MetatarsoDigital

Radiographic Study of the Size of the First MetatarsoDigital Segment in Feet with Incipient Hallux Limitus. Investigador principal Pedro V. Munuera. Puedes leer el trabajo completo en: SEBIOR Radiographic Study of the Size of the First MetatarsoDigital Segment in Feet with Incipient Hallux Limitus.


Metatarsal Pain and Plantar Hyperkeratosis in the Forefeet of Female Professional Flamenco Dancers

Metatarsal Pain and Plantar Hyperkeratosis in the Forefeet of Female Professional Flamenco Dancers. Investigador principal José Manuel Castillo López. Puedes leer el trabajo completo en: SEBIOR Metatarsal Pain and Plantar Hyperkeratosis in the Forefeet of Female Professional Flamenco Dancers.